Sunday, September 13, 2015



          I only have 9 books of CoHo. I wasn't able to buy Never, Never books because its too pricy. But I will never forget this day!! All 9 books of mine were signed by CoHo and two of them have my names!! I REALLY THANK THE GODS THAT I TRUSTED MY INSTINCT TO PUT MAYBE SOMEDAY IN FRONT SO THAT IT WILL BE THE FIRST ONE TO BE SIGNED BY COHO. Ridge is my fave character of CoHo. ❤️ Thank you Timmy and Ate Cha for helping me with the 4 books (NBS limited each individual to 5 books per author). I really owe you. And to Colleen Hoover, I hope you come back to the PH. I would really like to see you again in person! I LIVE YOU!! ❤️💙

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